
A lot to do

For the still young year 2023, I wish you ALL the best, above all health, courage, innovative strength and always the instinct and luck to do the right thing 650 …


Urban development is the overall spatial, historical and structural development of a city. On the one hand, it refers to the sum total of urban development and land use measures, but on the other hand, integrated urban development is much more than just changing land use.

All change processes have noticeable effects for the people living there.

The community self-governance guarantee was not elevated to constitutional status in Germany without reason. 

In 2007, the LEIPZIG CHARTER defined for the first time the European city in terms of culture, economy and ecology, responsibility, participation and public welfare.

The rapid change currently underway in urban and rural environments is complex, takes a lot of time and energy and is a source of fear for many. Such processes do not happen by themselves, so the ability of cities to adapt to the changing environment must be reinforced.

With our management methodology, we organise, structure and implement processes together with the people.

New thinking

Established structures are those which anchor the way we live and work. They are good and reliable. Such structures can prove explosive if they fall apart or stop working. This is clearly the case with the housing situation, in inner-city retail, cultural life and the consequences of lacking digital infrastructure, to name but a few examples.

The change processes we are faced with, including as a result of the exceptional challenges of the times, must in part be completely rethought and reshaped and adapted and initiated with the respective skills of our urban and rural societies. We structure ideas, organise disputes and manage their implementation.

New dispute

Why change and not transformation?

The economic term “transformation” means “process of change.” However, a business change also means disruption and dealing with the disturbances and inconveniences that it brings. From our perspective, the term “transformation process” for societal change is misused, because, politically speaking, a transformation would be a change of the fundamental political order.

We believe that we have to relearn the art of dispute, and not just abstractly. A dispute is not a battle or a fight, nor is it about defending and hostility, it is a democratic resolution based on rules. Alongside the rules that we have made for ourselves in our liberal constitutional democracy, there are rules of conduct and respect, rules of communication and of the agreements that we make.

We organise the points of issue and complement, regulate and moderate the process.


We are lawyers and businesspeople, politicians and association representatives, making us perfect all-rounders. We founded the Institute for Regional Urban Change Processes to work together to tackle, shape and manage change processes, because urban development is more than just shaping spaces. We want to strengthen society across the board and enrich them throughout Germany and Europe.

We don’t just advise, we change and strengthen implementation management in the public and private sector. . We establish a new kind of dispute culture.. We take it upon ourselves to stimulate, initiate and implement processes – comprehensively, calmly and assuredly. For this, we have digital, hybrid and analogue formats that let us use our skills and have resilient partnerships nationally and regionally levels and keep the promises that we make!



René Hobusch started working nationalyl and internationally at university while reading politics and history. After his law degree, Hobusch started working as a lawyer in Leipzig in 2007. Soon after, he begana 10 year stint as a city councilorshaping the strategy for urban development and real estate.. From 2015, Hobusch has been President of Haus & Grund Saxony as well a member of the national board sitting on the committee for housing policy. He is also a member of the Gestaltungsforum (Design Forum) in Leipzig.


Anette Ehlers has been in business and politically active since her school days. The reunification of Germany prompted the law graduate to leave Paris, where she was working, to start a career in Saxony’s administration. From various management roles in rural and urban administration, Ehlers set up her own consultancy, . working in fields from interim management to strategic consulting in economics, politics and administration to her own start-ups. Her various perspectives and roles have given Ehlers a large (inter)national network and a diverse expertise, making her an experienced generalist.